Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sulfone-Mediated Total Synthesis of (+/-)-Lepadiformine

From Prof. Don Craig' group at Imperial College London

Paul Docherty at TotallySynthetic.com blog has done a great job at describing the total synthesis of this natural product, which recently appeared in ACIEE EarlyView. Go here to read it.

High points of the synthesis include:

1) use of SES (2-trimethylsilyl ethyl sulfone) group as a protecting group for the nitrogen

2) sulfone-mediated 5-endo-trig cyclization to form the spiropyrrolidine ring system (neat!)

3) substrate-controlled stereoselective alkynylation and subsequent reduction to install the n-hexyl side-chain, concurrently with the openning of the aminal ring.

A good read of both the blog and the paper (you can access the paper from Paul's blog).

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